Keep It Public: Conservation Camp Out

IMG 0555 Last weekend, the Montana Wildlife Federation had the privilege to work with Keep It Public on their Conservation Camp Out on the Charles M. Russell (CMR) Wildlife Refuge. Conservationists from around the state met in Haxby, MT to remove old fence. Unfortunately, budget cuts to the CMR Refuge had to close the local field office in charge of this area. The Keep It Public workday focused on removing dilapidated fence and old abandoned farm equipment.

The specific parcel, once a private inholding, became public via the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). America’s most important conservation and recreation program, LWCF has saved places in nearly every state and every county in the U.S. LWCF will expire on September 30, 2018, without action from Congress.  MWF and Keep It Public are working hard to get LWCF fully funded before the program expires. Montana’s hunters, anglers, and wildlife are depending on it.