Voices in Conservation

Because of the impacts of COVID-19, we shifted the 2020 Montana Wildlife Conservation Celebration to a free, global, virtual gathering October 15-20. In making this celebration our most accessible ever—we’re also re-imagining our celebration entirely to ensure that you get the most from every minute. 

The silent auction, Membership and Business, meeting and all panel discussions are open to conservationists in Montana, across the country and around the world. Share this invitation widely with your networks! Register today, invite your team, and get ready for some exciting updates in your inbox soon!

Voices in Conservation

Join panelists Marcia Brownlee Artemis Program Manager, Jimmy Flatt Hunters of Color Founder, Anna Le Fisheries Biologist and Environmental Educator, SJ Keller Queers and Camo as they discuss how hunters and anglers are speaking up for wildlife and wildlands while diversifying the outdoors.

MarciaBrownlee 300x300Marcia Brownlee, Artemis Program Manager

Marcia lives in Montana, where she spends as much time as she can hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, stargazing, and foraging . For 15 years, Marcia worked as an educator with a focus on place-based education that nurtured kids’ natural curiosity for and love of the outdoors. As the Artemis Program Manager, she focuses on creating a community of powerful, informed sportswomen who will foster positive change and defend and secure the future of our public lands, waters, and wildlife.

Artemis Sportswomen is on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

JimmyFlatt 300x300

Jimmy Flatt, Manufacturing Engineer and Founder of Hunters of Color 

 Jimmy grew up in the heart of California’s wine country (Sonoma Valley) where hills of vineyards have replaced a once-abundant oak savannah covered in elk, deer, bear (black and California Grizzly), mountain lion, coyote, salmon, steelhead and migratory birds.  He moved to Oregon in search of ecosystems that have remained more wild, and to pursue my degree in Mechanical Engineering. Jimmy founded a non-profit called Hunters of Color with a mission to share my love of nature with everyone, so that future generations are prepared to conserve/protect/restore the wild places we have left.

Check out Hunters of Color on Instagram.

AnnaLe 300x300Anna Le, Fisheries Biologist and Environmental Educator 

Originally from California, Anna attended Oregon State University from 2014-2019, where she got her degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Science and developed her passion for protecting the rivers and all things inhabiting it. She also has a background in environmental education through many volunteer opportunities and seasonal positions as an outdoor field instructor having worked with students of all ages and families from varying backgrounds. She’s worked multiple field positions collecting fisheries data, developing curriculums for outdoor education, and creating social media content in the state of Oregon, Wyoming, and now resides in Colorado. With her cultural background, she believes diverse perspectives and personnel allow for better decision making in conserving the natural world. 

Learn more about Anne on Instagram,  and Twitter.

SJKeller 300x300SJ Keller, Queers and Camo and Science and Environmental Journalist

Learn more about one of our panelists, SJ Keller, co-founder of Queers & Camo, a new group for LGBTQ+ outdoorspeople and allies. SJ is an independent science and conservation writer based in Bozeman, Montana. Their work on how society confronts challenging wildlife and natural resource issues has appeared in High Country News, VICE News, MeatEater, New Scientist, Science Magazine, Smithsonian.com, and others. In addition to being a passionate hunter, SJ loves gardening, forager, skiing and cycling. They are an ambassador for Artemis Sportswomen and a NextGen advisory board member for the Gallatin Valley Land Trust.

Learn more about SJ and Queers and Camo on Twitter  and Instagram. 

Jeff Lukas – MWF Elk Campaign Manager

Jeff Lukas

Elk Campaign Manager

Jeff Lukas is a passionate conservationist who has been fishing and hunting his entire life. Whether it’s floating a small stream chasing trout, pursuing elk in the high country, or waiting in a blind for ducks to set their wings, Jeff is always trying to bring more people afield to show them what we are trying to protect. He loves being in the arena, and he will never shy away from conversations about the beautiful and unique corners of Big Sky country.