Clean. Drain. Dry

Ways boaters and anglers can protect fisheries

Photo: Sonya Marie

This summer, Montana’s world-renowned rivers and cold water fisheries experienced record low flows and extremely high temperatures. This threatening combination caused hoot owl closures that began in June and contributed to the unprecedented closure of 183 miles of the Yellowstone River in August.

Constant hoot owl closures and the Yellowstone die-off foreshadows the threat of climate change to Montana’s outdoor heritage.
That’s why MWF teamed up with the Invasive Species Action Network to discuss and demonstrate ways boaters and anglers can protect Montana’s fisheries as our climate changes. It’s all our responsibility to create good boat and gear cleaning habits to keep Montana’s rivers and fisheries some of the best in the world. Check out the video and links below.

CDD BOOTS FINAL_New Web Link from David Madison on Vimeo.

Protect Montana Waters

The three steps of Clean, Drain, Dry greatly minimizes the risk of spreading Aquatic Invasive Species into new locations. Find out what you can do, where the inspection stations are, and more information on the certified boater program.
CDD BOAT FINAL_New Web Link from David Madison on Vimeo.

The Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN) is dedicated to reducing the human-caused spread of invasive species and provides solutions to invasive species problems by focusing on scientific research, education programs, and policy development.

Invasive Species Action Network

Aquatic Nuisance Species- Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks information website on the different aquatic nuisance species and the steps you can take to prevent the expansion of those species.

Aquatic Nuisance Species

Impacts of Aquatic invasive species- Learn more about how the environment, economy, recreation, tourism, and humans are all impacted by the introduction of aquatic invasive species.

Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species

Preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species- Learn how to protect Montana’s waters through interactive videos that show how to CLEAN, DRAIN, AND DRY your boat or gear, to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

CDD Logo

At A Glance

Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN)
Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species
Preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

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