Montanans have a chance to add to our shared public lands heritage and gain access to a massive block of National Forest lands through the proposed Falls Creek purchase in northern Lewis and Clark County. This 442-acre parcel is a gem in and of itself. But even more importantly, its purchase would open up a mile of the Falls Creek Trail, protect important wildlife habitat along Falls Creek and open up access to roughly 26,000 acres of Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest lands in the area. This is an incredible opportunity to improve public access and help improve wildlife management. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) is working with the landowner and several other partners to make this land purchase happen. Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF) commends all parties engaged in this process and strongly supports this excellent project.
View MWF’s letter to the Lewis and Clark County commissioners, supporting this great project by RMEF that will open up new public land on the Rocky Mountain Front.